What many people have never noticed is when Linus quotes the angel as saying, “Fear not”, he drops his security blanket.
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We can have all sorts of fears: Fear of change, fear of not being enough, fear of the future. But always our fears leave out God. A key lesson from Mary is: God works through ordinary people in extraordinary ways and fear can keep us from God’s plan.
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I remember watching the 2000 movie, Miss Congeniality, and laughing as every pageant contestant gives the same answer of “world peace” when the host asks what society needs the most.
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How do we get freed to be radically generous now? We realize all that Jesus has given to us and done for us through His sacrifice, His mercy and His grace–then we focus on having something to share with those in need.
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We should align our goals and focus with God’s. That His patience for us is so great, His love for us is so great, that He will allow some bad things to happen so that more people have the chance to come to faith in Christ.
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While we do need to intentionally abide with Jesus, we don’t produce change. Jesus changes us and grows fruit in our lives when we are near to Him.
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“Receiving the joy of Christ goes so much farther than having a good day, week, month or even lifetime. Abide with Christ by loving your neighbor, and experience the fullness of joy that Jesus has for you.”
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The Bible says God is not wishing anyone to perish, but that all should reach repentance. God loves the world so much and He gave His only Son, that whoever in the world believes in Him will not perish, but have everlasting life. He wants all to reach repentance. And so, just think about that with the people around you that you will interact with today. God doesn’t want any of them to perish. He wants all of them to reach repentance. Pray that God helps us all to see Him clearly.
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Whether you feel like an exile in the Permian or not. God has you here for a reason. So, be here. Be connected. Be engaged. Love your city–and you will be amazed at what God will do!
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