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Your giving to Crestview goes to support our community and global missions partners as well as the everyday work of our church. Thank you for your generosity!
Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
2 Corinthians 9:7 (NIV)
God owns everything. God created the Earth and everything in it, including us (Gen 1), and therefore everything is His. This eternal truth must drive how we approach every aspect of our lives, including finances. We strive to use what God has given us in ways that honor Him, trusting that when we do so our lives will work better because we are operating more in line with how we were created.
As a church community, we seek to maximize the return on the investment that God makes in Crestview through giving. We quickly deploy resources as effectively as possible. We don’t save what God expects to be used to serve people. We trust Jesus when he teaches in the parable of the talents (found in Matt 25:14-30) that God expects a good return and that those who provide a good return will be entrusted with more.
Crestview is 100% funded by people in our church who regularly give because their faith propels them to support the mission of their local church community. Crestview is not funded by a denomination, corporate interests, nor does it have an endowment. The bills get paid, and lives get changed, because people who call Crestview their home church, regardless of income level, follow the promptings of God to give to support the work.
The tithe is established in the Old Testament (Gen 14:20, Gen 28:20-22, Deut 26:1-2, 2 Chron 31:4-5), and is reaffirmed by Jesus (Luke 11:42). Tithing means giving the first 10% of your gross income to your local church. Why gross income? Because the principle of the tithe is that the first and best 10% of your income goes to God. In ancient times that may have been in the form of crops or livestock. Today that comes in the form of money.
Generally. Crestview is a non-profit organization, and all donations that we receive are tax-deductible. However, you should consult with your tax advisor to see if you can deduct your donations. You will receive a receipt of your gift either by email or by postal mail.
Each ministry considers what their ministry goals and objectives are for the year. Corresponding costs are then determined. The Pastor and Associate Pastor review and approve and may recommend changes based on the overall vision for the church. The Finance Team and Deacons approve the budget before it goes to church for final approval in early June each year.
Generosity is a core value at Crestview. We believe that we are here to help people in our community, our country, and our world because Jesus calls us to love our neighbors. As a church, Crestview wants to model generosity to our people and to our community.
Absolutely. Our site uses industry-standard SSL technology to ensure that the information you enter is kept secure from prying eyes.
While we may occasionally use your information to contact you, Crestview does not buy, sell, barter, trade or otherwise distribute your information to any organization other than for the purposes you’ve given us permission to do (i.e. we have to tell the credit card company your name in order to charge your credit card).
We believe that God honors the money we give back to Him. If you feel God is leading you to start giving, even if it’s a small amount, we believe God honors and blesses this act of obedience and trust.
Yes - you may log in any time to make changes, pause, or cancel a recurring gift.
You are always free to make gifts to Crestview in excess of your monthly contributions. Some people do this as part of their year-end tax planning.