Love is Spelled T-I-M-E


Alta Lynn and I were at Cracker Barrel having breakfast.  We both have the love language of Quality Time so it was a perfect plan for us to do breakfast that Friday morning.  About halfway through the meal my phone rang.  It was my brother, who is also a pastor.  My brother and I are close and usually have long talks on the phone when we call.  About 10 minutes into the call, in between talking and taking bites of my breakfast, I noticed Alta Lynn.  She was giving me “the look”.  I know that look.  I realized what I was doing, disconnected the call, and apologized.  She said: “I just want you really here when you are here.”   

Does your child, friend, or spouse have the Quality Time love language?  If so, it is important to understand what this means and to learn about this Love Language.

What is Quality Time?

Quality Time is defined as focused attention on the other person.  It’s is giving the other person undivided attention.  

Watching TV together on the couch is not quality time.  Quality time will always mean connecting with that other person.  Really listening, a date night (no phones at Cracker Barrel), and a weekend trip all can be quality time.  

Why is Quality Time Important for a Relationship?  

With hectic lives that we all live, it’s very easy to get into a regular routine of just getting a meal, shuttling kids to and from activities, ball practice, etc.  If that goes on long enough, weeks will go by and you will be losing connection in that relationship.  

Especially if Quality Time is one of your child’s, friend’s, or spouse’s love languages, then it is important for you to plan and make time to focus attention on them.  

What are Some Examples of Quality Time?

  • Taking a walk together

  • Dinner together at home or at a restaurant

  • Doing a project together

  • Planning a getaway trip

  • A date night

  • Going to get ice cream

  • Praying together

  • Planning on your calendar for Quality Time 

Final Thoughts:

When it comes to speaking your child’s, friend’s or spouse’s Quality Time love language, this love language takes some planning and effort.  Not a huge amount of planning but enough to make it a priority so it doesn’t get lost in busy life.  

Quality Time gives the opportunity to really know what is going on in their life and their feelings, struggles and fears.  That bond gives your support and comfort, and that is amazingly valuable!

Dr. John Gerlach