Setbacks: That Are Not My Fault


“But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”

1 Corinthians 15:57 (NIV)

What seems like a setback is often a setup for a comeback!

We have all been in a season of a setback that is not our fault - COVID-19. There have been many setbacks like lives lost, businesses ruined and disrupted, travel stopped, and many aspects of “normal” life changed.

What do we do with setbacks that we didn’t cause or was someone else’s fault?


“We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure…” Hebrews 6:19a (NIV)

The oldest Christian symbol is not a cross or a fish, it is an anchor. We all need spiritual anchors when we are facing setback situations. One anchor that gives stability in uncertain times of setback is the presence of God.

Right now in all the setbacks of life, no matter what they are - God is standing by you. How do we know this? Because God is omnipresent - God can be everywhere at the same time.

So, no matter what setback you are going through - I know this - God is with you. He’s never not been with you. “But I don’t feel like He is there” - Gods presence has nothing to do with your feelings. His presence has everything to do with the reality and truth that God says: “I will always be with you.”


No setback, difficulty or struggle can separate you from the love of God, or change God’s purpose for your life - no matter what you are going through in your life.

God takes what you are going through now and will go through later and says: “I’ll fit that in My plan for you too!” Even when we make bad decisions - “Yes, I’ll fit that in too.”


If you are in a setback right now that is not your fault, the big question is: What will you trust in?

We all have things, plans we create that we put our trust in to save us and give us security. We can trust in what we create or we can trust in God’s promises to us. Anything we create to trust in is not forever. Finances? Not forever. Our appearance? Not forever. Our physical strength? Not forever. Anything that can be taken from you is no true security.

Only Jesus can save you. Only Jesus can be your savior. But first you have to let go of your security that you created, then put your total trust in God.

Dr. John Gerlach