If you didn’t know, there’s a war going on. I’m not referencing Russia’s unprovoked invasion of the Ukraine, but a war that is happening all around us and we’re in it.  

It’s a war seen in an elementary school shooting in Uvalde, in tragic suicides, in crime, in murder, in mental distress, in violence and in hate. There are many complicated reasons why the world is so messed up. But the bottom line is that our enemy, Satan is up to no good. Even someone who doesn't care that he exists or isn’t aware of him, will be impacted by him.  

“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” Ephesians 6:12 (NIV)

The ultimate war we face is spiritual in nature. 1 Peter 5 gives us God’s direction in how to survive the war, and actually thrive and overcome in a hostile world.  

“Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of such things God’s wrath comes on those who are disobedient. Therefore do not be partners with them. For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light  (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth) and find out what pleases the Lord. Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.” 1 Peter 5:6-11 (NIV)



  • Humble yourselves. (v. 6).  

Humility means admitting you need help.  Our pride says: I don’t need help. I can get through this. I’ll handle it.  It’s not really an addiction.  I can fix all my own problems.  Humble yourself.  Stop pretending you don’t need help and just admit it.  

The only thing you need to access God’s help is need. All you need is to admit your need.

  • Give God all your anxiety.  (v. 7).    

Cast literally means in the original language of the New Testament–hurl. Cast it and leave it!  Give Jesus responsibility for that issue and problem. Jesus says: I’ll carry it.  Now He may get you to do some things about it, but the weight of solving it is not on you, it’s on Him. This is to pray: Jesus, I trust You with this.  

Also, realize scripture assumes our anxieties. Having anxiety is not the issue, the issue is what we do with our anxieties.  

  • Be alert and of sober mind.  (v. 8).

See the world clearly. There is an enemy who wants to kill, steal and destroy. He wants to destroy the work of God in your life. He wants to destroy your family, your marriage, and your life.  

C. S. Lewis in his book: Screwtape Letters wrote that Christians make two main mistakes in regard to Satan: (1) Some people give Satan too much credit.  Every flat tire is caused by a demon. “Satan got me fired.” No, that might be because you came to work late two weeks in a row. (2) On the other hand, the other mistake is those who don’t recognize him or take him seriously. In temptations, in crisis, in difficulties. He wants your complete destruction.  

Sober mind meant then what it means today–it means don’t be drunk. This is not accidental.  Most people in stress and difficulty try to numb their problems with alcohol.  During the pandemic, hard liquor sales have been up as much as 75%. You have an enemy. Be alert and sober-minded.  

  • Resist your enemy.  (v. 9).  

Peter writes you can overcome this enemy! Why? Not because you are stronger than him, but because Jesus has defeated him. On the cross, Jesus said: “It is finished.”  

Here’s the point: you don’t need to fear him, but you should also not ignore him. You have to fight him, and not in your strength. Your personality. Your wisdom. Your resolve.  That’s like bringing a knife to a gunfight. You need the weapons of the Spirit. Stay close to God. Be constant in prayer. Repent and confess your sin. Read and memorize the Bible. Stay faithfully doing the right thing. Stay in community. Because us sheep need a flock. Fight.  

Life is hard, but God is good. We need all the good we can get.  

Here’s a prayer to pray: “Lord, we need You so much. Help us overcome. Help us fight.  We trust You and know You are ready, willing and more than able to protect from the evil one.  We pray all this in the mighty name of Jesus!

Dr. John Gerlach