When we make a promise with collateral, we are leveraging God’s sovereign will against our own inability to keep our word.
To follow Jesus means that we will be honest.
As a representative of Jesus in this world and to the people we interact with, our promises are held to a higher standard.
Read MoreIn order to live out that teaching, we would have to forsake what the world values and pursue what Christ values.
Jesus outlines the characteristics that His followers will have and will seek to grow in.
When Jesus calls His followers salt and light, He is not making suggestions for our behavior; He is establishing the identity of those who have said yes to follow Him.
Read MoreGod has Victory for the Battle in Your Mind
All Healing is God’s Healing
Everything that is good comes from God, and so we can trust that God is at work in all good things
Read MoreWhat is most encouraging to me from this passage is the victory that is secure in Jesus over our thoughts.
God’s redemptive love and grace was amazing.
We can be faithful in prayer because God’s timing is perfect, and His love for us never fails.
Read MoreSo, one of the most important things we need to guard and learn is to strengthen and renew our minds, because the battle always starts in the mind.
In 2 Corinthians 10:5, we are told to take captive every thought and make it obedient to Christ.
It’s time to capture those lies, name them and replace it with God’s truth.
Read MoreSo, one of the most important things we need to guard and learn is to strengthen and renew our minds, because the battle always starts in the mind.
We don’t wage war as the world does
In 2 Corinthians 10:5, we are told to take captive every thought and make it obedient to Christ.
Read MoreThe Word of God is seed, and the seed will always work because of the power contained inside.
If your heart is hard, or if your faith can easily be defeated by life, or if something is choking out your spiritual life, it is not too late to address the issue.
The parable teaches us that God is generous. He has extended His grace to EVERYONE.
Read MoreThe seed in this story represents the Gospel Truth, God’s Word, the invitation to salvation through Jesus Christ.
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, Hebrews 12:1 NIV
God doesn’t want us to go through life alone. He wants us to live in community with other followers of Jesus so that we can encourage and strengthen each other in order to walk with and invite others to Jesus.
Read MoreThe Word of God is seed, and the seed will always work because of the power contained inside.
What matters is our roots. We need deep roots so that when temptations and challenges come, we don’t fade away because the Word was never deeply planted in our hearts.
God is a generous God who continues to pour out His mercy and grace on us richly.
Read MoreThe Word of God is seed, and the seed will always work because of the power contained inside.
It is really important to understand the Word.
We have to condition our hearts to receive the seed with understanding. Otherwise you are leaving God’s Word to be stolen from you.
Read MoreThe little book of 3rd John gives us an intimate look into the life of the early church.
3rd John also shows us the problems of personalities within the church, and three people are specifically named in the letter.
One of the signs that a person has genuinely been transformed by God is they become generous, gracious and loving.
Read MoreGrace, mercy and peace–those would be nice to have. This isn’t wishful thinking, if we have the truth, we have these. That is what Jesus brings.
This is a call to wholeheartedly walk in truth.
Hold on to the truth and protect it.
Read MoreThe main message of Philemon is reconciliation and unity. Unity among followers of Jesus is so very important.
God calls us to mercy. Mercy is defined as–Compassion or forgiveness shown toward someone whom it is within one’s power to punish or harm.
Mercy is a gift of grace, freely given by God to us.
Read MoreThe first words of 1 Peter are a greeting from Peter. Sometimes it’s easy to skip over the greeting part of a book of the BIble, because it is like the envelope a letter comes in. We toss the envelope because we think what matters is what’s inside.
Read MoreGod has so much for us to learn and grow in during this pandemic. My goal has been to help my church family navigate the spiritual challenges they are facing.
Read MoreThe book of Haggai is short, but it is filled with challenge and promise, reminding us of God’s claim on our lives and our priorities. Today we need to listen to God’s word speaking to each of us, urging us to reorder our lives and priorities in accordance with God’s will.
Read MoreOur Heavenly Father sent Jesus the Messiah to take on the cross to secure this highest degree of freedom so that everyone who places their faith in Jesus will be truly free. Free to be near to God, not just free to do whatever they want.
Read MoreThere are so many places that we can misplace our worth and identity, and they can all fade away. But this is not the case when our identity and worth are correctly found in Christ.
Read MoreMy in-laws did proceed, but not to resign themselves that Alta Lynn (her new name) would never be found. Instead, they asked their church family to gather and pray that she would be found.
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