Is It Ever Too Late for a Comeback?


Well, sure.  If a team is in the bottom of the ninth inning and down 10 runs, that’s probably too late for a comeback.  But you also never know for sure.  

Consider Frank Reich.  In 1984, Frank was the quarterback at Maryland when they played the University of Miami.  Maryland was down 31-0 in the game.  He rallied Maryland to a 42-40 victory in what is considered one of the greatest comebacks in college football.  

But Frank wasn’t finished.  

In 1993, Frank was the back-up quarterback for the Buffalo Bills.  When the starting quarterback, Jim Kelly was injured, Frank took his place.  And once more time he rallied his team to one of the greatest comebacks in NFL history.  At the end of the first half against the Houston Oilers, the Bills were losing 28-3.  At the beginning of the third quarter, Frank threw an interception and Bubba McDowell ran 58 yards for a touchdown, making the score 35-3.  Most of the Buffalo fans left at that point.  

But the game wasn’t over.  

Frank then threw four touchdown passes to give the Bills a 38-35 lead.  The game ended in a tie at the end of regulation, but after an interception, Steve Christie won the game for the Bills with a field goal in overtime.  The final score was 41-38.  

It Is Never Too Late For a Comeback

“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” Galatians 6:9 (NIV)

This verse gives us God’s perspective.  Don’t stop.  Don’t give up.  It’s never too late.  Why?  Because if God is involved it’s always too soon to quit.  

Are You In Need Of a Comeback?   

No matter whatever you need to come back from, if Jesus is alive from the dead—and He is—if Jesus has conquered death—and He did—then it’s possible for every person to have a comeback story.  

It is not too late.  

You might think it is for you.  That it’s too late.  It is not hopeless.  It is not over.  God works and no matter what, you are in His hands, and there is no better place to be.  

Refocus Your Trust in God

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV)

God loves to move things toward a comeback.  But it all starts with a Next Step toward Him.  Trust Him.  Remember Him.  And the right path, which is God’s path, will be shown to you.  

My prayer for you is that you will face a setback, when it looks too late and hope seems gone, with determination, grace, and perseverance because we have great things to do for God!  

Dr. John Gerlach