No Condemnation


ROMANS 8:1-4

Jesus has come to set us free.


13% of the population experiences some sort of debilitating fear every day. We fear all sorts of things: COVID, spiders, heights, snakes, darkness, and flying. Fear doesn’t keep most of us from going to work or school or to the store. But fear keeps us from healthy relationships, fear distorts the way we view ourselves and others, and fear defeats hope.

Followers of Jesus don’t have to live in fear. That is a powerful message of the Gospel for us.

“Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.”

Romans 8:1 (NIV)


Traffic is slow because of construction, COVID, the line at the store was so slow, I get a bad email, there are demands then there’s I’m frustrated, impatient, and I react. I’m bossy when I should be kind. I’m critical when gentleness is more effective. 

If only I could control my words. Why can’t I be calm and patient? Why am I reacting this bad way? I try to focus on God and all I hear in my head is the Accuser: “What’s wrong with you?” “Why did you let that bother you?” “Shouldn’t you know better by now?”  

I feel condemnation and shame heaped on my head. I dwell on the thoughts, but I know better. I know not to listen to that voice.

Instead, I try to listen to the voice of God. I bow my head and pray, “I’m sorry God, please forgive me. Thank you for Your blessings. Thank you for loving me despite my sin. Help me to be guided by Your Spirit.

I know peace and I rest in God’s love for me; I’m not condemned.


The Accuser’s plan with condemnation is to drive a wedge between us and God.

Condemnation makes me feel like something is wrong with me – I have ongoing shame that I can’t identify.

Satan uses condemnation to try and snuff out any glimmer of God’s goodness and love for you.

The Enemy works overtime to convince us God could never love someone like us. If we become convinced God is through with us, then he’s won the battle.

But Jesus has won the victory for us. He paid the price for our sins, which gives us the freedom to be forgiven once we repent or turn from our sins. Conviction is the amazing voice of the Holy Spirit reminding us there is a better way.


I need you to understand, in Christ, you are not condemned! No matter your past sins, messes, mistakes, failures or bad decisions, Jesus paid it all for you. 

Dr. John Gerlach