Easter 2021


Easter is here, and this is an opportunity to bring the Gospel message to the people in our lives—probably a bigger opportunity than ever before.  

Easter changes everything

There is life-changing power in the message of Jesus and an empty tomb.  

Easter is, of course, the celebration of Jesus’ resurrection from the dead.  Jesus’ resurrection changed everything:  His followers went from frightened, discouraged, defeated tax collectors, zealots and fishermen to being bold preachers who impacted the world with the message: Jesus is alive!

All of the apostles, with the exception of John, died as martyrs for their faith.  If the resurrection was just one big hoax, you would think at least one of them would have admitted a hoax and saved their life.  

But not one of them did, because they saw and experienced the reality and power of the resurrection.  

The fact of the historical resurrection of Jesus still transforms lives today.  

Life on the other side of Easter in 2021

2000 years ago, at the end of that last week of Jesus’ life, there was the horror of Good Friday through the silence of Saturday to the glory of Easter Sunday to the other side of Easter.  

Easter doesn’t erase our trouble or pain, just like the wounds of the cross on Jesus’ body are not erased by the resurrection.  There are still businesses closing down, deadly effects of COVID, and “normal” is not arriving as fast as we would like.

This is the picture of the Christian Easter life: A mixture of sorrow and joy, of challenge and celebration, as we move into the future God has for us.  This is life.  Even on that first Easter, some of the followers of Jesus were confused, fearful, sad and uncertain.  Some disciples are amazed.  Some worship.  Some are joyful.  

But in all circumstances, Jesus is present.  He is not dependent on our belief or disbelief, our joy or fear.  His presence is based on His promise to never leave us or forsake us and to be with us.  Easter is a sign of this promise.  

Jesus still rises, Easter has come—COVID-19 or not—and I am grateful to God that we are not alone.  Together we’re grateful for a God who gives life, who pours out hope and grace for the broken, hurting and undeserving.  May we have the faith to see the presence of the living Jesus.  

Happy Easter 2021!


Dr. John Gerlach