Redemption - Being Set Free

So far in our sermon series Telling God’s Story, we have looked at Creation and The Fall–when our world became broken and fractured. The next major theme in the Bible is redemption–how God allows us to be set free.  

Can the wrongs and sin in your life ever be forgiven? Can they be actually used for good? Do you believe part of God’s story is that God can–and will–set you free?

From a human perspective, it is difficult to actually believe this. But the truth is that we have a compassionate, loving and forgiving God. A God who wants most of all for us to come back to Him and to be set free to be who He wants us to be.  


Redemption means: to make amends, to deliver from sin, to be set free, to be liberated.  Redemption means we’ve done something wrong (sinned) from which we need to be rescued. For redemption to start, we have to first admit our sin. We have to own up to the fact that we have run from God in some way and turned our back on Him.  

It can happen many different ways. Maybe we’ve said no to a path God put before us.  Maybe we’ve trusted in someone or something else ahead of God. Maybe we’ve gone our own way and brought pain, or hurt, or addictions into our lives.  

Whatever it is, everything starts by first admitting your sin to God and deciding you want to be rescued from it.  


When we’ve sinned, we have to admit it and then we need to apologize.  

That process starts with God and continues with other people. If you haven’t apologized, start now.  


When we come back–admit our sin and ask for forgiveness–God can do amazing things with us. He forgives us and sets us free.  

Do you still carry a burden and weight of shame over your past? Let God take that away and free you! When you are freed from that weight, God will use your story for His glory! He will transform it and use it.  


Jesus came as our Redeemer.  

“The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, ‘Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!’”   John 1:29 (NIV)

Jesus calls us into the family of God when we are born again and given a new life.  Through His death on the cross, Jesus forgave our debts. By His resurrection, He won victory over spiritual evil and set us free from the power of sin. 

“In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace.”   Ephesians 1:7 (NIV)

We can live without guilt or shame and rest in the love of our Redeemer.  

There is a song: “Come Back Home” by Kutless that speaks powerfully about redemption. Let these words be your prayer today. Turn your heart to Jesus and be set free.  

How long till you come to the end of your reckless streak?

How long till the freedom weighs you down?

How long till your heart figures out that you need Me?

How long until you turn around?

When you come back home

I’ll be running out to meet you

When you come back home

You’ll find that I’ve never left you

You’ll see every wrong turn every bridge you’ve burned

It’s all forgiven and gone

When you come back home

When you come back home

Mercy is waiting

When you come back home


How will God use your story for His glory?

Dr. John Gerlach