Telling God's Story - FAQ's

So far in our sermon series Telling God’s Story, we have looked at Creation and the Fall–when our world became broken and fractured. We want to tackle some questions that are related to these first two parts of the series.  

Some of these questions are controversial so here are the ground rules: I believe the Bible is the Word of God, so whenever the Bible speaks clearly, I will share that. If it is uncomfortable, I will still share that and stand true to what the Bible says. If the Bible doesn’t speak clearly about a topic, I’m going to look for principles to apply to the question. We can disagree because we don’t have to agree on everything, but we do have to disagree in love.

So, here’s the first question: 



There is lots of debate. There are several verses in the Bible that seem to mention dinosaurs. For example, there is a Hebrew word “tannin” that is translated as sea monster, dragon, serpent, or some type of giant reptile. This word is mentioned 28 times in the Old Testament. There are a couple of other words in the Bible that are related potentially to dinosaurs. In Job 40, there is a creature named “the behemoth”, and in Psalm 104 and Isaiah 27:1 there is a creature called “leviathan.”  


There is a goofy story about a mother whose 7 yr old daughter came running inside the house and asked: “Mommy, where did I come from?” Mom took a big breath, and awkwardly talked about birds and bees and this can all lead to a tiny baby that becomes a little girl like you. Daughter had a shocked look on face and said: “Well, Jimmy next door said he comes from Iowa.”  

We have all asked that question: Why am I here? Where did we come from? The Bible gives an answer to Where did we come from?  

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”   Genesis 1:1 (NIV)

The Bible goes on to tell us that God created the heavens, the skies, the sun, the moon, the stars, the earth and all living things - including human life, which was made in the image of God. But science would say: the universe came into existence about 14 billion years ago, that the universe, through a Big Bang event, was formed about 4.5 billion years ago. And that we as humans are almost genetically identical to other primates or apes.  

So lots of people assume that science has replaced the need for any kind of religious faith, meaning that you’re EITHER a person who lives by scientific evidence or you’re a person of faith who lives by blind faith.  

It’s my opinion that science and faith don’t have to be picked one over the other. I think they are actually two different but both valid ways for knowing things. Scientific knowledge is based on the scientific method, where you test a hypothesis and make conclusions based on repeated results, but there are clear limits to this kind of knowledge. For example, how do you prove the intrinsic worth of a human life? How do you scientifically verify what it means to be a good person? 


Big topic. I have my opinion. (1) Some people say young earth, some say old earth, (2) some say creation started with a big bang, some would say God did it, some say it’s evolution, some say God alone, some say God did it through evolution. It is a fact that our human DNA is 99% the same as a chimpanzee. But here’s the thing: We are radically different from chimpanzees. Has anyone read a novel or a book of poetry written by a chimp? Where are their food banks, hospitals, and universities? Have they ever started a world war? No.  

A couple of things: Evolution and creation don’t even answer the same question.  Evolution asks how and when. Creation asks by whom and for what. Dallas Willard said: “In order for evolution to occur, creation has to already be there.” It is like the following story: God is approached by a scientist who said, “God, we decided we don’t need you anymore. These days we can clone people. We can transplant organs.” God: “You say you don’t need me. So let’s put your theory to the test. Let’s both make a human being just the way I did with Adam.” “Fine,” said the scientist. The scientist bent down to get a handful of dirt, but God stopped him and said: “Nope, you get your own dirt.”

Ultimately, I don’t believe anyone truly believes in evolution totally when it comes down to it. Because if they do–why go to whatever lengths we need to go to help a small child with a life-threatening disease? Shouldn’t they think: I believe in evolution, therefore I believe in the survival of the fittest. We inherently know life is precious and can’t be reduced to “survival of the fittest.”  

Why are we here? Where did we come from? Those are important questions. Richard Dawkins, an outspoken atheist makes this conclusion: “The universe we observe has precisely the properties we should expect if there is, at bottom, no design, no purpose, no evil, no good, nothing but blind, pitiless indifference.” That’s one opinion. That’s one step of faith. My faith is different. Even though we are really small in a really big universe, you still matter. You are of great worth. You are each here for a reason, because there is Someone who made something from nothing, not because of blind, pitiless indifference but because of His creative and life-giving love.  

“When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers,the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them?”   Psalm 8:3-4 (NIV)

We are really, really small but we still matter. Why? Because in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Bottom line question: How will you answer the questions science can’t answer? Like: Why are you here? What does your life mean?  How will you direct your life? Where is your faith?  


Genesis 1-2 leads us to several questions. One key question is: If God is all-powerful and all-knowing, why didn’t He bring about a fully developed and complete creation in an instant? It’s a good question.

God, by developing His creation over time, allowed His wisdom and power to slowly be revealed. By creating the universe this way, God taught us that He can rescue us from darkness, aimlessness, and chaos. And when He does rescue us–He doesn’t do it instantaneously, but in a way that unfolds His power, His knowledge, and His love step by step.

Dr. John Gerlach