Are You Running From God?

“The Lord gave this message to Jonah son of Amittai: ‘Get up and go to the great city of Nineveh. Announce my judgment against it because I have seen how wicked its people are.” But Jonah got up and went in the opposite direction to get away from the Lord. He went down to the port of Joppa, where he found a ship leaving for Tarshish. He bought a ticket and went on board, hoping to escape from the Lord by sailing to Tarshish.” Jonah 1:1-3  (NLT)

Jonah was a runner.  He ran from God.  

We are runners too.  Whenever we refuse God’s direction, we are basically avoiding His presence.  And to be away from God’s presence is to place ourselves in a dangerous place.  It is basically the truth that if we are far from God, God hasn’t moved—we have.  

God Gives Second Chances

Jonah was someone who was given a second chance.  

God gave him a job to do, but he basically refused.  He was instructed to go and preach to some people called Ninevites, and he said no.  Then he boarded a ship headed in the opposite direction. 

Jonah was a prophet of God, it is pretty much all over the job description that a prophet of God, listens and obeys God.  Jonah didn’t care.  He didn’t want a nation that was his enemy to have a chance to repent and turn to God.  Jonah was self-righteous, a bigot, and saying a loud “no” to God.  

And Jonah got a second chance.  Did he deserve it?  Do we deserve a second chance?  The answer is no to both questions.  But God is full of mercy and grace, and gives second chances.  

 We Can Run From God, But We Can’t Hide From God

A huge storm came, and Jonah told the frightened crew that if they would throw him overboard, the storm would stop.  So, over the side they threw Jonah.  

Then the Bible tells us that a “great fish” swallowed Jonah.  We don’t know specifically what kind of fish it was, but whatever it was, the fish swallowed Jonah.  

In the fish’s stomach, Jonah prayed to God…after he already had been there for three days and nights.  Without a doubt, Jonah not only ran from God but was also stubborn in wanting to do what he wanted to do.  It took three days and being in a desperate situation, for Jonah to finally cry out to God for help.  

God steered the fish to the shores of Nineveh, where it vomited up Jonah.  I would love to have seen that dramatic regurgitation!  Out comes Jonah who then did what God wanted by warning the Ninevites of coming judgment.  God loved Nineveh, even though the people were sinful.  And the Ninevites turned from their ways and God spared them.  God gave them a second chance.  Just like God gave Jonah a second chance. 

So, it comes down to one key question on a personal level: 

Are You Running From God?  

When we run from God, we run from His love, His forgiveness, His mercy.  We want to live the way we want to live.  Everyone of us have to decide to turn around and run to God or not.  Are you a runner right now?

Some people run from God their entire life.  Running from God is running from the answers for life we all need.  We are all runners from God at one time or the other.  Are you running right now?  Which leads to one final key question: 

  • Do you need a second chance in life?  

That second chance is available to you.  God can forgive you, wipe your slate clean and give you a fresh start in life.  No matter what you’ve done wrong in your life, no matter what has happened, God can and will forgive you if you will simply stop running away and run to Him.  

We are all runners.  It is all about the direction in which we run.  

Dr. John Gerlach