Sticking With Spiritual Habits


Habits matter.  

One area that is vital for yourself is developing spiritual habits.  There are several spiritual habits that bring us closer to God.  These habits help us pursue God above all else.  

During this pandemic through last year and this year, we have all been developing habits that we will carry with us past the pandemic. Because the pandemic will eventually come to an end, and you are being shaped by your current habits a key question is this

So, here’s the question: Are your current habits the habits that you want to keep when the pandemic is over?   

What We Can Control And What We Can’t Control

Right now we are all being shaped into who we are going to be, by outside factors that we can’t control.  But what you can control are the habits that you cultivate in your life.  

Habits can be good or bad, they can be helpful or not, they can be constructive or destructive, but whether good or bad—they have a cumulative effect on you and are stronger than your will.  

What does that mean?  

It means that our will is in the category of: I know I should, or I know I need to, or I really want to do this.  But habits are step by step and on the days you don’t feel like it or you’re not seeing progress, you still continue in the direction of your…habits.  

I Want Change, But It’s Not Happening

What change does God want for you?  What Next Step toward Him?  

Often, we want the change, we want the Next Step, but then we end up giving up on it.  


We underestimate the power of small, daily steps toward God.  

We want things to change big and fast.  I want my finances to be healthy.  I want my relationships to be fixed and growing.  But for your finances to be changed when you hit the Lottery or get the inheritance is not the most effective and healthy way to go.  The best way is to take small steps now.  In relationships, to think: I don’t know why this relationship isn’t fixed, because we had one conversation, we went to counseling one time and nothing seems to work.  Those are one thing, but you’ve got to put into place small, daily habits to get there.  

How Change Happens With God

“So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up.” Galatians 6:9 (NLT)

Don’t get tired in the process of moving toward God or doing good.  Don’t get tired of doing the things you know you need to do; the things God wants you to do.  At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing is we…don’t give up.

Maybe today that verse is for you.  You need that encouragement.  You are tired.  Don’t give up.  You are ready to get past the pandemic.  We will.  Don’t give up.  You feel like you’ve tried all sorts of things to make that relationship better.  Don’t give up.  

God is at work behind the scenes.  God gives us this promise.  Take steps toward God.  Repeat.  Make it a habit.  God gives us this promise.  You will reap a harvest if you don’t give up.  You get what you repeat.  

God is at work, and you are not alone.  

Dr. John Gerlach